icon'/> Did You Know?: August 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

What is Thumbs.db file and How to get Rid of it?

Thumbs.db is a system file generated automatically by Windows XP when you view the contents of a folder in “Thumbnail” or “Filmstrip” view. Thumbs.db contains a copy of each of the tiny preview images generated for image files in that folder so that they load up quickly the next time you browse that folder. Thumbs.db also stores your settings with regard to thumbnail and filmstrip view.

Despite the fact that Thumbs.db is a hidden system file, it annoys people because it tends to show up in places where it’s not wanted. Many times you’ll try to zip up a folder full of images and e-mail them to a friend or upload them to an FTP site, and Thumbs.db goes along for the ride.

To stop your computer from generating and regenerating future Thumbs.db files, do the following:
  1. Right click Start
  2. Select Explore
  3. Select Tools
  4. Select Folder Options
  5. Select View and check "Do not cache Thumbnails" and Apply

Once you click the Ok button, your computer will cease to generate Thumbs.db files. If you delete any of the existing Thumbs.db files, they will not return. Be forewarned though, if you browse a folder that contains a large quantity of image files (or extremely large image files), it will take a long time for that folder to load even if you have previously browsed it because the thumbnail images will not have been cached in Thumbs.db.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

AMD Athlon 64 2000+ At 8 Watts

Today's development of the Atom processor, Intel introduced a totally new chip design that consumes very little energy. AMD had to strike back, and did so by clocking down its Athlon 64 , employing the K8 micro architecture, down to the lowest possible frequency of 1 GHz. The Athlon 64 2000+ runs with a core voltage of 0.90 volts and uses just 8 watts. As a result, the CPU easily operates without a fan. If you drop the 8 W Athlon 64 into a motherboard based on the 780G chipset, then the system hits power consumption numbers that, in our measurements, are below Intel’s Atom desktop solution. We were even able to lower the core voltage by 11%, without stability problems, and the power analyzer read lower numbers. Interestingly, AMD’s Athlon 64 2000+ processor, unlike Intel‘s Atom CPU, is not embedded in the motherboard. It can be run on any board with an AM2 or AM2+ socket.

Compared to Intel’s Atom, which runs at 1.6 GHz, the Athlon 64 2000+ is clocked at 1 GHz—60% lower. Despite this, the Athlon 64 outperforms the Atom in several benchmark tests as a result of its more efficient K8 architecture. In addition, the energy consumption of the entire system is lower, and that’s what really matters most.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How To Restore Windows XP Power Schemes

You open the Power Options item in Control Panel on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer. However, the power scheme options that appear on the Power Schemes tab are unavailable.

This issue may occur if some or all the registry entries that are related to the power scheme options have been deleted.


To resolve this issue, restore the registry entries that are related to the power scheme options. To do this, use one of the following methods.

Use the Powercfg.exe utility to restore the default power scheme

You can use the Powercfg.exe utility to copy the power scheme from the Default Userprofile to the user who is currently logged on. You can do this because power schemes are uniquely associated with individual user accounts. To copy the power scheme from the default user by using the Powercfg.exe utility, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
  2. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
    powercfg /RestoreDefaultPolicies

Friday, August 15, 2008

Negative Ions Help us to Sleep Better

In 1969, French researcher found that the overproduction of the neurohormone serotonin caused sleeplessness and nightmares. In using a negative ion electronic air cleaner to treat a group of people experiencing sleeping problems as a result of serotonin overproduction, he found that most of them were able to sleep better.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Benefits of Negative Ions

Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.

They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation.

And for a whopping one in three of us who are sensitive to their effects, negative ions can make us feel like we are walking on air. You are one of them if you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe in fresh, humid air.

You may be one of them if you feel sleepy when you are around an air-conditioner, but feel immediately refreshed and invigorated when you step outside or roll down the car window, Howard says. "Air conditioning depletes the atmosphere of negative ions, but an ion generator re-releases the ions that air conditioners remove.

Negative ions are created in nature with air molecules broken apart from sunlight, radiation, and moving air or water. In

The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York.

In a study conducted by Columbia University, 25 people with SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for a half hour every morning for a month. Half the subjects were given a low level of negative ions, and the other half a high level. The higher level of negative ion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zolof, and without the side effects of these drugs.

Negative ions are odorless tasteless molecules that are breathed into our respiratory system. High concentrations of negative ions can be found in nature in mountain forests, waterfalls, and beaches where people feel energized and invigorated, which helps relieve stress, alleviate depression, boost energy.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Did You Know Negative Ion ?

Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach or walked beneath a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these wondrous settings and away from the normal pressures of home and work, the air circulating in the mountains and the beach is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions - Much more than the average home or office building, which contain dozens or hundreds, and many register a flat zero.

The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods, says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York. At the turn of the 20th century Terman, confirmed that negative ions are found in very high density in the basin of waterfalls where we feel especially refreshed and re-energized.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

USB Cable Length Limitations

USB Cable Length Limitations:

The USB specification limits the length of a cable between full speed (or high speed) devices to 5 meters (16 feet 5 inches) and for low speed devices the limit is 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches). This means you can't just connect a bunch of extension cable together and run them 30 feet to another room but you can say connect a 6 foot and 10 foot cable for a total of 16 feet.

Most USB products are full speed (or high speed USB 2.0) and have the 5 meter limit. Low speed devices are generally keyboards and mice. If you would like more information on the technical side of USB you can search the internet for information on the USB specification (sorry eBay does not allow links in guides otherwise I would include one).

In order to go beyond these limits you need to use USB hubs, USB active extension cables or USB over Ethernet products.

USB Hubs:

You can use extension cables and up to 5 USB hubs connected together to extend USB's range up to 30 meters (up to 27 meters for low speed devices). The distance between each hub can be no more than 5 meters.

Active Extension Cables:

USB active extension cables contain electronics which regenerate the USB signal. These cables are essentially 1 port USB hubs and will allow you to go up to 30 meters (up to 27 meters for low speed devices) buy connecting up to five active extension cables together (4 cables if you are connected to a USB hub).

USB Over Ethernet:

There are USB Over Ethernet hubs but I was to find very little documentation or other information on them that was useful. What did stand out about these devices is that they are hard to find, expensive and you are still generally limited to a maximum of 30 meters.

Friday, August 1, 2008

What Is Negative Ion?

Negative Ion is an atomic or molecular system with an excess of negative charge due to the capture of additional electrons. Negative Ions are also called anions.

Did Your Know the Eye Parts?

Eye Parts?

The eye has many parts. Some of the main parts are listed and described below.

  • The transparent crystalline lens of the eye is located immediately behind the iris.
  • The cornea is a transparent dome which serves as the outer window of the eye. The cornea is the most powerful structure focusing light entering the eye.
  • The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It is composed of nerve tissue which senses the light entering the eye.
  • The retina sends impulses through the optic nerve back to the brain, which translates the impulses into images that we see.
  • There are 4 types of light-sensitive receptors found in the retina
  1. rods
  2. cones that absorb long-wavelength light (red)
  3. cones that absorb middle-wavelength light (green)
  4. cones that absorb short-wavelength light (blue)
  • The pupil is the hole in the center of the eye where light passes through.
  • The iris is the colored part of the eye. It is a thin diaphragm composed mostly of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers. The iris lies between the cornea and the crystalline lens.
Optic nerve
  • The optic nerve is a continuation of the axons of the ganglion cells in the retina. It acts acts like a cable connecting the eye with the brain.
  • The optic nerve is also called the cranial nerve II.
  • The sclera is the white, opaque portion of the eye. It provides protection and serves as an attachment for the extraocular muscles which move the eye.